Exploring Data Science Careers One Byte at a Time
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about data science careers, and this buzz is not unfounded. Data science now encompasses decisions, forecasts, and actions that have global implications beyond basic analytics and statistics.
Data scientists are now employed outside of the information technology industry. Data scientists use data and continue to address issues in the real world, including those in the healthcare, retail, finance, supply chain, entertainment, and transportation sectors.
Thus, a career as a data scientist is rewarding and full of opportunities to learn and make a difference. Data scientists in India make an average annual salary of around Rs. 11 lakh, according to Glassdoor. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, data science will have the fastest job growth in the nation by 2026, with a growth rate of over 27%. So take up the data science course in Pune, and get ready to master the DS and AI skills.
Data Science Simply put, data science is the use and preparation of data for analysis. The core of data science is the cleaning and using the data to help us make better decisions in the future, even though there is a wealth of data available. Data scientists can then examine the results to find patterns.
The field of data science is expanding. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are ranked #2 among the top 20 skills most in demand in the workforce today. Data scientists and analysts are increasingly in demand worldwide to assist in navigating a disruptive market dominated by big data. Enterprises' C-Suites look to data scientists to connect the dots among terabytes of data and provide trends, forecasts, and insights that will help them gain a competitive edge.
Data now drives decision-making in business. Most business operations during the pandemic were moved to digital platforms, which boosted e-commerce and data volumes. Small and large businesses must organize and analyze this data, process it, and find effective data collection strategies to prepare for future contingencies.
According to LinkedIn, nearly 70,000 data science jobs will be available in India in 2022 alone, including positions for machine learning engineers, data analysts, business analysts, and financial analysts. Companies are looking for qualified candidates despite India's high job growth rate and demand for data scientists. Data scientists are more likely to be hired for higher-paying positions with lucrative projects if they have excellent programming language expertise and advanced technical skills.
Who is a Data Scientist? Understanding the personality traits and skill sets required for careers in data science becomes essential. This raises the question, "Who is a data scientist? The term "data scientist" describes a person who excels at both software engineering and statistics more than any other statistician or software engineer.
A master of all trades, including programmer, analyst, engineer, mathematician, statistician, and strategist, is therefore necessary for a successful career in data science. A data scientist must, above all, love data. Their insatiable curiosity drives them to create patterns, spot trends, analyze data, and find solutions to practical problems. All this while remaining completely unfazed by the sheer amount of big data, nearly 80% of a data scientist's time is spent just finding and gathering data. So it makes sense that a master's degree in computer science, engineering or mathematics, and statistics is necessary for a career in data science.
Furthermore, data science is constantly changing. Careers in data science, in contrast to other traditional professions, offer you a variety of job roles and job titles. To advance your career in data science, you must continuously learn new technical skills and upgrade your existing ones in various programming languages, platforms, and technologies.
Technical Skills needed to become a data scientist Data science professionals can remain relevant in the real world by learning new technologies, approaches, and the newest platforms for big data analysis. This allows them to gain real-world experience and practical knowledge.
R Programming, SQL (Structured Query Language), Python, Java, C, and C++ are some examples of programming languages.
Platforms: Apache and Hadoop Spark
Data visualization using Tableau and Matplotlib
Understanding neural networks, reinforcement learning, technologies for natural language processing (NLP), and recommendation engines
The non-technical abilities needed to become a data scientist
Analytical abilities to identify trends and actual business and industry challenges from data analysis
Data scientists rarely work alone; they must be good team players.
Collaboration across the organization's departments, data sets, and projects is common practice.
Data scientists must convert illogical data into appropriate, actionable strategies for everyone from the C-suite to investors and sales teams. So having effective communication and storytelling skills is essential.
Data science is a booming career option for those choosing science careers with many job roles available. As a result, senior professionals with a bachelor's or master's degree in computer engineering may want to pursue a career in data science by upgrading through a data science certification course in Pune, accredited by IBM.